DAT/OAT Prep Sessions

Summer 2024 DAT/OAT Test Prep

This workshop series will help you tackle the 4 different sections of the DAT or OAT. Please note some sessions are test-specific to the DAT or OAT. For the DAT it is focused on the PAT section and for the OAT it is focused on the Physics section. Registration is not required. Unable to attend a session? Sessions are independent of each other, so please feel free to continue to attend the other sessions!

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Summer Schedule

  • Summer Session Schedule
  • DAT/OAT Zoom Link

    Test Prep 102: DAT/OAT Session 1 – Biology and Chemistry
    Tuesday, June 25th | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT

    Biology, General Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry are all in the first section of the DAT/OAT, but it’s up to you to make sure you spend enough time on each. Not only will you see what content for which you need to be prepared, but you will also learn some strategies to manage your pacing through this section so you can leave enough time for each subject.

    Test Prep 102: DAT/OAT Session 2 – Reading Comprehension
    Tuesday, July 9th | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT

    The Reading Comprehension passages are long, very long. You will learn that the key to this section is NOT to read. Because the questions are over 95% retrieval in nature, you will see that it is far more effective to spend your time answering questions than to spend your time reading something you don’t actually need to understand.

    Test Prep 102: DAT/OAT Session 3 – Perceptual Ability Test (DAT only)
    Tuesday, July 23rd | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT

    This session is DAT specific. One of the most unique sections on any standardized test, the Perceptual Ability Test is a fast-paced section testing your ability to visually analyze and discriminate 2D and 3D figures. You will be introduced to the five types of problems and strategies to approach each unique type of problem.

    Test Prep 102: DAT/OAT Session 3 – Physics (OAT only)
    Tuesday, July 23rd | 5:10pm - 6:00pm PDT

    This session is OAT specific. Physics is not all formulas and math; most of the time you don’t even need to do a calculation to solve a calculation problem on a Physics multiple choice question. You will learn how to approach Physics efficiently so you can finish the section with confidence. You will also learn several techniques for using formulas to remember relationships without confusion.

    Test Prep 102: DAT/OAT Session 4 – Plugging in Techniques
    Tuesday, August 6th | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT
    There’s nothing more than middle school and high school math on the DAT/OAT, and that is the problem. This is math you haven’t used in a long time, and it is presented in forms with which you are not familiar all with a bare-bones calculator to boot.

    Test Prep 102: DAT Session 5 – Quant Comps and Data Sufficiencies
    Tuesday, August 20th | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT
    The DAT/OAT has a couple of special types of math questions you have likely not seen before.  In data sufficiency questions you are given a question and two pieces of information, and you must decide if the pieces of information are sufficient to answer the question.  In quantitative comparison questions you may be given one or more constraints and two pieces of information, and you will need to decide which is larger.  You will learn how to tackle each of these question types systematically.

    Test Prep 102: OAT Session 6 – Overall DAT/OAT Strategy
    Tuesday, September 3rd | 6:10pm - 7:00pm PDT
    In what I believe are harder tests than even the MCAT, stamina, skill, rapid recall, and timing all must be on point for one to obtain a solid score on the DAT/OAT.  We will discuss best practices when it comes to practicing full lengths to build stamina and develop effective timing.

This is a part of our Test Prep 102 series. For more details on all of our different test prep options, please visit the main page here.