Please note session titles and descriptions may be updated to better support student learning!

Summer 2024 MCAT Prep

When preparing for the MCAT, students often get sidetracked by the draw of refreshing and/or relearning science concepts they have learned previously as that serves as the lowest barrier to entry. In doing so, they forget that it’s not only what you know that gets tested on the MCAT, but also how you can read, interpret, and apply new information in conjunction with your own knowledge. The AAMC outlines two separate skill sets called “CARS” and “SIRS”. The CARS skill set is covered on the accurately named CARS section while the SIRS skill set is covered on all three of the science-based sections. It can also be said that the CARS skill set is tested indirectly on the science sections as well. Both skill sets are outlined below as described by the AAMC.

This series of twelve hybrid workshops will help you understand how to identify what a question is expecting you to do and which part of each skill set you will need to apply to successfully answer that question. You will also learn some specific activities you can do to build up each skill as you prepare for the MCAT. Each session will consist of practice questions and/or passages as well as group discussions about how to approach those questions and/or passages. Be prepared with pencil and paper to use as scratch paper and for taking notes. This program targets students taking the MCAT in September 2024 or January 2025 and does not deal with the specific science content of the exam.

Unable to attend a session? Sessions are independent of each other, so please feel free to continue to attend the other sessions!

Summer MCAT Strategy Session Schedule
  • MCAT Strategy Session Schedule
  • Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 1 – Introduction to MCAT CARS
    Tuesday, June 25th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    CARS questions not only test your ability to understand what you read, but also your ability to reason and apply what you have read to make decisions about new information related to the passage. This is what the MCAT refers to as the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS). We will introduce the process of elimination as a means to find the best answer.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 2 – Introduction to MCAT SIRS
    Tuesday, July 2nd | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    Science questions not only test your science knowledge, but also your ability to reason, apply scientific concepts, and use data to make decisions. This is what the MCAT refers to as the Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning Skills (SIRS).

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 3 – Exploring Rhetorical Structure (CARS)
    Tuesday, July 9th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    One of the things many struggle with on CARS is realizing the way something is written is just as important as what is written. We will look at different rhetorical structures (including claims and evidence) and how they can help you understand the deeper meaning of what you are reading. Things as subtle as the placement of a comma can have dramatic consequences on what is actually meant.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 4 – Exploring Experimental Design (SIRS)
    Tuesday, July 16th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link 

    Understanding the ins and outs of experimental details as they are presented on the MCAT is an important skill for approaching science passages. We will be looking at the differences in types of bias, standards vs. controls, hypothesis vs. null hypothesis, and logical fallacies in the interpretation of data. You don’t always need to know how the process works, but you should know what each part of the process represents.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 5 – Analyzing Point, Purpose & Tone (CARS)
    Tuesday, July 23rd | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    The point, purpose, and tone of a passage can have huge consequences in your ability to eliminate answer choices. Answers that simply don’t share the tone or language use of the passage are quick eliminations. Point and purpose, while similar, require you to look for different things in the text in order answer these more global questions.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 6 – Analyzing Equations, Figures, & Tables (SIRS)
    Tuesday, July 30th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    Most struggle with being able to interpret what a figure or a table can tell you and in the process default to thinking more is there than is actually there. We will tackle some of the most complicated and intimidating equations, figures, and tables the MCAT can throw at you. Come learn why scientists present data in the way they do and how to effectively pull information out of figures and tables.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 7 – Read It When You Need It (CARS)
    Tuesday, August 6th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    Regardless of the technique you use to tackle passages, it is important to ensure you are looking in the right places for information to answer questions. When reading to answer questions, you need to ensure you understand the context of what you are looking for to ensure you eliminate to the best answer.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 8 – Read It When You Need It (SIRS)
    Tuesday, August 13th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    It is tempting on the science sections to go to extremes when it comes to reading or not reading. We will introduce you to the science treasure hunt. It is important to find and find only the things necessary to help you analyze and/or solve the questions at hand. We will see why it is necessary to hop around science passages to obtain the best understanding.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 9 – Identifying CARS Questions Types
    Tuesday, August 20th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    There are a wide variety of question types and thus question strategies present within the CARS section. Being able to understand your task from the question stem how skipping around the questions will allow you to maximize your understanding of the passage.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 10 – Identifying SIRS Questions Types
    Tuesday, August 27th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link 

    We will investigate the types of questions on the science sections and how they differ from what you are used to seeing on science-based tests. We will learn the common question structures and strategies and how to attack each one as well as strategies to decide which questions to skip and why.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 11 – Take Control of the CARS Section
    Tuesday, September 3rd | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    There is not one “right” way to approach CARS passages. You can talk to 10 different people and get 10 different answers on the “right” way to do it. We will look at two distinct methods on opposite sides of the spectrum (read for understanding vs. scan for content) and discuss the benefits of both so you can choose aspects of both to fit your own personal style.

    Test Prep 102: MCAT Strategy Session 12 – Take Control of the SIRS Section
    Tuesday, September 10th | 7:10 - 8:30 pm PDT | Zoom Link

    There are three distinct types of science passages on the MCAT and being able to recognize them will allow you to be flexible in your approach. Each type of passage requires a slightly different approach to be the most effective test taker. We will look at the different properties of these passages so you can develop your own personal strategies.


Skills Tested in the MCAT
  • CARS (Critical Analysis & Reasoning Skills) Skills
  • Skill 1: Foundations of Comprehension
    •    Understanding the basic components of the text
    •    Inferring meaning from rhetorical devices, word choice, and text structure
    Skill 2: Reasoning Within the Text
    •    Integrating different components of the text to increase comprehension
    Skill 3: Reasoning Beyond the Text
    •    Applying or extrapolating ideas from the passage to new contexts
    •    Assessing the impact of introducing new factors, information, or conditions to ideas from the passage
  • Science (SIRS: Scientific Inquiry & Reasoning Skills) Skills
  • Skill 1: Knowledge of Scientific Principles
    •    Demonstrate understanding of scientific concepts and principles
    •    Identify the relationships between closely-related concepts
    Skill 2: Scientific Reasoning and Problem-solving
    •    Reason about scientific principles, theories, and models
    •    Analyzing and evaluating scientific explanations and predictions
    Skill 3: Reasoning about the Design and Execution of Research
    •    Demonstrate understanding of important components of scientific research
    •    Reason about ethical issues in research
    Skill 4: Data-based Statistical Reasoning
    •    Interpret patterns in data presented in tables, figures, and graphs
    •    Reasoning about data and drawing conclusions from them
