Post-Bac and SMP Panel

2024 Post-Bac & SMP Panel and Newtworking

Applications for post-bac and SMP programs are coming up soon! Through this presentation you will learn about programs that can support you with record enhancement or completing your pre-reqs for health professional programs as well as speak with representatives of the programs.

Register to save your seat today!

Join us via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 923 2529 6614
Passcode: 082015


This event is on Wednesday, February 28th from 5-7 PM PST This session will be hosted virtually via Zoom.
- The Panel will be first  and each program will share highlights of their program. If there is time we will also take questions from attendees.
- Afterwards we will open up a breakout room for each of the programs.  Attendees can choose which room they go to. This will be an opportunity to connect with admissions representatives in a smaller setting and ask questions. 

Our panelists are admissions representatives from:

  • UC Davis Health Professions Post-Bacc
  • UC Berkeley Extension
  • CSU East Bay
  • KGI Post-Bacc
  • SF State Post-Bacc
  • Drexel University Post-Bacc & SMP
  • Touro University CA SMP
  • Georgetown SMP
  • Updated 2/16

Read our article: "Maximizing the Post-Bac Panel and Networking Event"

Learn about how to effectively engage with admissions representatives and ask good questions to stand out as an applicant. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to have my camera on at all times?
  • We highly encourage having your camera on as much as possible, particularly in the breakout room networking session. Remember, this is an opportunity to put a face to your name when applying to programs! However, we understand not all environments are suited for the virtual environment, so use your best judgment. For more information on engagement read our article: Maximizing the Post-Bac Panel and Networking Event.
  • Are breakout rooms automatically assigned or will attendees have the option to select whom they'd like to speak with of the given presenters?
  • Each program will have an assigned breakout room. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose which programs they visit. 
Flyer for the "Post-Bacc and Special Master's Program Panel and Networking" at "5-7 pm | Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024" on Zoom. Under the title says "What are the differences between Post-Bacc and Special Master's Programs? How do applicants increase competitiveness for metrics?" Under this has more information about the event and panelists it also says "Register and prepare today at" The bottom has the HPA logo and social media logos.