Welcome Applicants
Health Professions Advising offers the Preparing to Apply Program, a workshop series that will run throughout Winter and Spring Quarter covering all the topics you need to prepare your application early. All upcoming applicants for the current cycle and those planning to take multiple gap years for all health professional schools or programs are highly encouraged to watch our recordings, attend events, and meet with advisors at drop-in advising.

- Workshop Recordings
- Missed a session? You can watch past workshop recordings on the Health Professions Advising YouTube Channel. We encourage applicants to watch sessions in order. Each session takes a deep dive into each topic.
Please note the workshop series is here to support applicants and provide more information than what an appointment would allot. We highly encourage meeting with HPA advisors during scheduled appointments and drop-in advising for individual support. UC Davis alumni have full access to HPA services.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How should I prepare for the Preparing to Apply Program?
- HPA encourages preparing to be engaged by unmuting, participating in the chat, and/or having your camera on when appropriate.
- Will Preparing to Apply workshops be recorded?
- Yes, HPA plans to record all workshop sessions. HPA strongly encourages attending live if you are available, as this will be an opportunity to ask questions via DMing or unmuting with a trained staff advisor.
- Will the powerpoints from presentations be available?
- Powerpoints will not be uploaded to the website; however, workshop session recordings will be included and additional tips and resources are included on our Application Prep website tab.
- Who does HPA serve and how can I meet with an advisor?
- HPA serves all UC Davis students and alumni and offers one-on-one advising sessions with staff and/or peer advisors. Visit our Advising website page to learn more about our Express, Drop-In, and Scheduled advising options. HPA is also available via email at healthprofessionsadvising@ucdavis.edu.
- Do I need a UC Davis Zoom account to attend?
- No, all UC Davis students and alumni are welcome to attend our Zoom workshops. Attendees must be signed into a Zoom account to join; however, it does not have to be a UC Davis Zoom account.
- Why is HPA starting App Prep in Winter Quarter?
- HPA encourages applicants to begin application prep 6 months before they plan to apply, which is January for most of our applicants. We encourage this timeline in order to have sufficient time to work on all components of the application, reflect, attend events, and meet with HPA.