Stephanie Brannon StephanieBrannon

Major: Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior
Overall GPA: 3.51
Graduation Year: 2018

Which school are you attending?

Western University of Health Sciences

What UC Davis extracurriculars did you participate in?

I worked at the ARC as a Group Exercise instructor for three out of my four years at Davis and I loved it! Working there really taught me about balance and not always studying. In addition, my department worked a lot on promoting emotional, as well as physical, wellness which I believe is very important for students! I was also a member of the Pre-Health sorority, Kappa Gamma Delta. Here I learned time management and leadership skills. I also found some of my best friends here. My extracurricular activities allowed me to take a break from my studies and learn life skills.

How many hours on average did you spend studying for your courses per week?

~30 hrs+ (depending on test schedule)

Did you use a test prep course?

I did not use a test prep course to study for the GRE. I just bought some practice books and studied for about 2 months before the test.

What do you consider to be your strengths in your application?

I think my application showed that I was a student that was not just interested in studying and school, but I was someone who wanted to promote physical, social, and emotional wellness. I believe that the biggest contributing factor to getting into graduate school was my interview since that is where the school and faculty gets to see your real personality.

Did you apply nationally?


What advice do you have for others?

Try to observe as many different specialties of physical therapy as you can. Give the specialty that you never thought you'd like a try and be a sponge! Soak up as much knowledge as you can but always remember to try and enjoy the experience. Always ask questions and be curious. Build a relationship with your professors and really try to understand what you are learning. I think that Davis prepared me very well for graduate school and I could not be happier with my decision to attend UC Davis.

Jasmine Pham


Major: Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior
Overall GPA: 3.2
Graduation Year: 2017

Which school are you attending?

New York University

What UC Davis extracurriculars did you participate in?
  • Davis Wushu Member (2013-2017); President 2015-2016; Coach 2015-2017
  • Southeast Asians Furthering Education (SAFE) Member (2013-2014)
How many hours on average did you spend studying for your courses per week?

Too many to count!

Did you use a test prep course?

No, but I utilized Kaplan’s GRE Question of the day and their free practice tests. I found their explanations and test taking strategies very helpful! I’d also highly recommend utilizing all the free resources on the GRE website – their 2 full length practice tests, writing prompts and rubrics, etc. Timed essays were not a strength for me, so I loved the GRE’s scoreitnow program which scores two practice essays for you to give you an idea of where you’re at and what to improve.

What do you consider to be your strengths in your application?

My essays and interviews. I took UWP 104F the quarter before the summer of applications and utilized that space to force myself to get a head start on my personal statement. Because of that, it was easier to get into the groove of essay writing and brainstorming ideas to refine throughout the spring and summer months as applications opened. Setting aside time to reflect and organize my thoughts prepared me for interviews. As many of the advisors have said, you know you better than anyone else! For interviews, it also helped that I had experience with public speaking and sat down with many of my mentors and the HPA advisors for mock interviews.

Did you apply nationally?

Yes -- I applied to schools in New York and Maine in addition to California.

What advice do you have for others?

The biggest advice that pushed me to apply without taking a gap year was an admissions committee member who told me that it’s not the student’s job to decide whether their GPA is good enough or too low -- it’s the admissions committee who makes that decision. As long as you meet the minimum GPA to apply, if you’re passionate enough why not try? Higher GPAs are great and increase your chances and selection, but for those of you with a lower GPA it’s not impossible! Out of the 7 schools I applied to, I was accepted to 2 and waitlisted to 1. Start early on those essays and really reflect on your experiences. When it comes down to interviews, make sure to review why that school would make a great fit for you and formulate questions! Questions allow for further dialogue, provide more information and can demonstrate to the interviewer your interest in the program.

Sarah LumSarah Lum

Major: Exercise Biology
Overall GPA: 3.54
Graduation Year: 2012

Which school are you attending?

I am attending Sacramento State University. Prior to deciding I had 8 acceptances and 2 interviews I chose not to attend.

What UC Davis extracurriculars did you participate in?
  • Member of Exercise Biology Club
  • Active intramural sports participant 
  • Internship at the Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic at the UC Davis Medical Center
How many hours on average did you spend studying for your courses per week?

About 10 hours 

Did you use a test prep course?

No, I did not. I am a visual learner so I used the PowerPoint point slides and would condense the information into my own handwritten notes.

What do you consider to be your strengths in your application?

I was fortunate to have had a high GRE score in math and writing. I also had a competitive GPA. For physical therapy school, you have to have so many hours of observation experience before you can apply. I tried to get experience in many settings so I would be a worthy candidate. 

Did you apply nationally?

No, only in California. 

What advice do you have for others?

Be engaged- ask questions in class so you're memorable. Do a little studying each day so you retain the information. Try to understand the "how and why" behind why things are instead of taking them at face value- it helped me put Info into context and remember it better .