Pre-Med Orientation

Welcome Pre-Med Aggies!

Join UC Davis Health Professions Advising for the 2024 Pre-Med Orientation on Monday, Sept. 23rd at California Hall from 9am-12pm. All pre-meds, especially first years and transfers, are strongly encouraged to attend Orientation to ensure you gather all the information you need for a successful transition to UC Davis. The agenda, reminders and any updates regarding Pre-Med Orientation will be sent to registered attendees. 

Due to lack of registration, the afternoon sessions has been canceled. Please complete the registration to be contacted about an alternative orientation date.

Register for Pre-Med Orientation

Pre-Med Orientation Schedule:
  • Welcome from HPA Staff
  • Pre-Med 101 and Intro to HPA
    • Pre-reqs, Metrics, Experiences, and Competencies
  • Appliation Timelines
    • Going Straight Through vs Taking Gap Year(s)
  • Student Panel 
  • Q&A with HPA Staff and Peer Advisors