Karen Draper

  • Staff Advisor, All Health Professions
Karen graduated from UC Davis in Spring 2019 as a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major. While she is not a transfer student, she did receive her Associated Degree in Arts and Humanities when she graduated high school. She became a staff advisor in Summer 2019, but was previously a peer advisor and co-coordinator for the Pre-Health Ambassador Network (PHAN), an organization within HPA. She also helped found and coordinate the High School Pre-Health Symposium. Karen attended the 2018 ADEA GoDental Recruitment Event in Orlando where she saw a mock interview and spoke with dental school admissions representatives. She loves advising, tabling, and hosting workshops to help students’ on their pre-health path. Her favorite part about working in HPA has been making my closest friends and working together on events, including the Summer Pre-Med Bootcamp.