Position Title
Veterinary Medicine
Mirella is a first-generation third-year veterinary student at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. She graduated from UC Davis in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. While an undergraduate she was did a variety of on-campus animal internships, was involved with PSSD & Vet-Aid club, and was an undergraduate officer for the Knights Landing One Health Center (KLOHC) Veterinary Clinic. As a veterinary student, she has an interest in regulatory medicine, public health, and small ruminant medicine. She is passionate about representation in veterinary medicine and improving access to care for underserved communities. This is demonstrated through her involvement in Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment (VOICE) and as Co-Director of the KLOHC Veterinary Clinic. When she is not studying, Mirella enjoys DIY crafts, gardening, and watching crime dramas or comedies.