Position Title
Peer Advisor
Emily (she/her) is a fourth-year Molecular and Medical Microbiology student with plans in minoring in Public Health. She is passionate for women's health and desires to become an OB/GYN Physician. She is a former Clinical Coordinator for a non-profit clinic serving low-income populations. In addition to being a peer Advisor, Emily is part of the Avenue B cohort 23’ scholars program. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and spending time with loved ones. A fun fact is that she bungee jumped with her dad when she was 7.
What advice do you have for pre-health aggies?
An advice for pre-health aggies is to not get discouraged if you are not getting the results you are hoping for. Seek for help, create connections with professors and UCD faculty, we are all here to help, and we are in this together!
Is there anything you wish you would have done differently in your pre-health career?
I wish during my first year I created more connections with professors. I was too scared to go into their office hours, but now I know how important that is because of how many doors that could open for me.
What has been your favorite memory at UC Davis?
My favorite memory at UC Davis is, when I just transferred I did a two week transfer bridge with the Avenue B program and everyday I would have so much fun meeting many people that are good friends now.
What are you most excited about working at HPA?
I am excited about getting to spread the resources and opportunities I know about, and getting to help pre-health students discover and structure the pathway for their dream career.